OPW Retail Fueling Unveils 68EZSB Reconnectable Swivel Breakaway

By OPW | Feb 26, 2025

68EZSB Reconnectable Swivel BreakawaySmithfield, NC, February 26, 2025 OPW Retail Fueling, a global leader in fluid-handling solutions, is excited to announce the availability of the next-generation 68EZSB Reconnectable Swivel Breakaway, which was released during the recent WPMA EXPO 2025 in Las Vegas, NV. The 68EZSB features a compact, lightweight design that incorporates 360º swivel rotation at both the male end and middle joint with an easily reconnectable breakaway on the opposite end.

It is the increased “swivelability” of the 68EZSB that helps separate it from the competition, along with its ability to be reconnected easily at waist height with only approximately 5 lbs. of reconnection force required to push the coupling halves together until they latch; this is 30% less required reconnection force than previous models.

Other features of the 68EZSB include:

  • Breakaway pull force of no more than 350 lbs.
  • Poppet and sealing surfaces that are protected from impact during separation by a plastic sleeve
  • Single-unit design that replaces the standard swivel, breakaway and whip hose, which helps eliminate possible leak points
  • Materials of construction: Body: aluminum; Sleeve: nylon; Seals: nitrile; Poppet: acetal and aluminum
  • 50-psi (3.45 bar) maximum working pressure
  • UL and ULC-listed for use with gasoline, diesel and up to E10 ethanol blends

“When designing equipment and systems for use at retail-fueling sites, the goal is to create products that create the perfect symmetry between reliably safe and efficient operation and ease of use,” said Ed Kammerer, Senior Director, Global Product Marketing for OPW. “We feel that the design enhancements that have been incorporated into the new 68EZSB Reconnectable Swivel Breakaway satisfy both demands, making it one of the safest and most simple-to-use reconnectable swivel breakaways on the market today.”

To learn more about OPW Retail Fueling products and expertise, please visit opwglobal.com/opw-retail-fueling.

About OPW Retail Fueling
OPW Retail Fueling is Fueled By Excellence through innovations designed to enhance safety, reliability, efficiency and business performance for the retail-fueling industry. Specifically, OPW Retail Fueling makes aboveground and underground fuel-handling products for both conventional, vapor-recovery and clean-energy applications in the retail and commercial fuel markets. OPW Retail Fueling is part of OPW, a leading equipment manufacturer in the retail-fueling, clean-energy, fluid-handling and vehicle wash industries. OPW has manufacturing operations in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific, with sales offices around the world. OPW is part of Dover Corporation. To learn more about how OPW Retail Fueling is Fueled By Excellence in each of its markets, please visit opwglobal.com/opw-retail-fueling.

Media Contact
DJ Slater, Publicity Coordinator
DeanHouston (agency for OPW)
414-416-2176 or dj.slater@deanhouston.com


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